red bullet all things design

21 December 2009

Wrapping it Up

We give presents all year round for various reasons, but, now is the time of year when gift giving is on everyone’s mind.  It has often been said that it’s the giver, rather than the recipient, who reaps the biggest psychological gain from giving a gift.  Part of that pleasure, for both parties, is in the wrapping.   For the giver, the imagined reaction from the person you are giving to, as you carefully fold and tape the gift.  For the receiver, getting a beautifully wrapped present can be as much a joy as the gift itself.

It’s obvious that how you wrap your presents is an important component to gift giving.  Here is a step-by-step tutorial on the proper way to wrap and present the gifts you are giving this holiday season and in the future.

StepOne:  Gather your equipment.  You will need a good, sharp pair of scissors, some quality clear tape and wrapping paper.  If you don’t have a weighted tape dispenser you can tear off six or seven pieces of tape and stick them off the end of your work table prior to starting.   A string and marking pencil can also come in handy.

StepTwo:  Box up the gift.  If your gift isn’t in a box, get one that is the appropriate size.  Without a box, your wrapped gift might look lumpy even with the best techniques.  If you didn’t get a box when you bought the gift, look in your pantry for something you can empty out and use.  Popcorn and breakfast bars boxes could be perfect for a smaller gift while a shoe box can contain larger gifts.

StepThree: Cut the wrapping paper.  Unroll the wrapping paper on your work table and cut off what you think you will need.  You can use the afore mentioned string to make this a more exact science by wrapping the string around the gift and then cutting a little more than the length of the string.  If your scissors is sharp, and you keep the paper taut, you can cut the paper in one smooth tear.  It is important that the wrapping paper is cut so that it wraps completely around the gift and the sides extend at least two-thirds of the height of the box.

StepFour: The first wrap.  Lay the box face down in the center of your paper.  On one side of the paper put a fold to create a nice even edge.  Grab the other side and wrap it around the box so that it covers around three quarters of the way.  Some people suggest taping the paper to the box, but that can leave an ugly scar on the box when unwrapped.  Fold the even edged side over the paper keeping it taut and then tape using two or three pieces to keep it flat.

StepFive: Wrapping the sides.  Work on one side at a time.  Push the center of the flaps inward creating two flaps on the top and bottom.  Push down the top flap and tape down, then, put a small fold in the bottom flap to even it off and bring the flap up to the center of the side.  Tape the flaps down flat and do the same for the other side.  Creasing all the edges will give it a professional look and you can add a ribbon or bow for the final touch.

You now know how to wrap the perfect present and can reap the pleasure of knowing that the gift you give is also perfectly wrapped to give joy to someone special.

I want to wish you all a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Eid Mubarak or Feliz Navidad and hopeful wishes that 2010 will be a better year for all.

‘til next time, take care.


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red bulletall things design - 27 Oct 2009 - What is Design?

red bulletall things design - 11 Nov 2009 - Form & Function
red bulletall things design - 02 Dec 2009 - Juices Flowing


check this out

Did you ever wonder how wrapping paper is made or the history behind the decorative wrappings?

Make sure you read them first and then check out using the funny papers as wrapping paper.

Why you shouldn't try wrapping holiday presents with your cat.


Here's a link to some geeky wrapping paper along with a whole site for geeky stuff.


If you are you interested in learning how to design wrapping paper, check out this site.